> Against Hair Loss: How To Deal With Depression And Stress With Exercise

How To Deal With Depression And Stress With Exercise

By Harold C. Rehm

Many elders think that feeling depressed is a natural part of the aging process. This is not true. While many elders suffer from depression, they don't necessarily have to feel that way.Recognizing the signs of depression is the first step in handling it. Has your elder stopped doing the things he or she once enjoyed? Has personal care declined? Is your elder unnaturally quiet or lash out in anger? These are signs of depression.It is important to bring up these symptoms with your elder's doctor as soon as you see them. While it can be treated, chances are good that treatment will not be the same as it would be for someone younger.

Not everyone gets depressed after the death of a loved one. It is perfectly normal not to suffer depression as it is to have to deal with it. However, after the death of a loved one, thoughts and attitudes often trigger loneliness and resulting depression, which occurs early in grieving. It features confusion, little motivation, altered self-esteem, lack of meaning, reduced functioning in one's social circle, insomnia, and low energy. If you are depressed, acknowledge it. Describe it in detail, where it hurts, and what it feels like. "What is the message or messages this emotion is delivering to me?" is an important question to address. What do I need to accept? To let go of? The refusal to accept the loss is often a root cause of depression. Depending on what you believe about your depression will lead to choices that either help you manage it, or prolong it.

Talk to your best friend. Remember, the more you isolate yourself--and this is what depression tends to do--the more you will increase emotional and physical stress. Saying how you really feel (especially what you fear and how angry you may be) to someone you are confident of being with, is an excellent antidote for your grief and to deal with depression. And, forgiving yourself and others, will also release depressed feelings.Use a universal treatment for depression: exercise. Physical activity will have an affect on brain chemistry and help in the management of depression. Take 10-15 minute walks, preferably with someone. This will activate your endorphins and affect mood.

What? Men don't get depressed? Of course we do, but we tend to hide it well.Men tend to deal with depression differently than women and may show different signs that they are depressed. Depression is often a hidden problem with men, since many men tend to suffer in silence, rather than talking about their feelings.And that can lead to relationship problems.Historically, depression has been thought of as mostly a problem for women, but now we know that depression is a problem for men, too. Depression in men may go undetected. In fact, men may not realize they are depressed, although they may recognize they are feeling stressed. And their health care providers often miss the telltale signs.Depression is a normal part of life. Yet, if it goes unresolved, it can have a disastrous affect on personal functioning, relationships and careers. It can result in temporary personality changes, uncharacteristic bouts of anger and moodiness, create communication problems, spur conflict, and lead to relationship problems or marital distress. Thus, depression is a condition that must be recognized and treated for men to function on their highest level.What Are The Signs?

Men who are depressed may suddenly become irritable and quick to anger. Non-aggressive men may become more aggressive and hostile.Some may abuse alcohol or drugs, or turn to food for comfort, although some may eat less. It really depends on the person and his circumstances.Some men may over-exercise, while others may stop.One man may throw himself into a favorite hobby whereas a workaholic may become more dependent upon work ...while ignoring his relationships.Men may show typical signs of depression, too, such as, feelings of fatigue and burn-out, sleep disturbances and decreased libido. Thought patterns may change; men may think more negatively and perceive the world in darker, more threatening ways. This can be a subtle change. Depressed men may start feeling anxious and worried, and respond poorly to daily problems or stress at work or home, either over-reacting or under-reacting.

Let possibility educate you out of depression. Here is where your imagination can help in a very positive way. Are you open to exploring the numerous choices there are for dealing with loss? Begin to learn about them from others, support groups, readings, and the experts. By creating options for dealing with fear, anger, guilt, and negative thoughts, you can change your view of what lies ahead.

Many people do not know how to deal with depression. It was perceived that depression is just a normal episode in our everyday life. Knowing how to deal with depression must always begin in figuring out the signs of depression. Various perceptible indications of depression are weight loss or gain, changes in the usual appetite, insomnia or excessive sleeping, low self-esteem, feeling of insignificance and desperation, loss of interest in the activities he is fond of doing, short-tempered, loss of focus, short attention span, chronic low energy, obvious cynicism and melancholy. When these are being manifested by somebody you know, that person might be down with depression.

All of us must find out how to deal with depression. This will help in the swift recovery of the person tormented by depression whether it is you or somebody that is valuable to you. As soon as you figure out that the person in suffering from depression, you can help them get the available treatments in the market. These will also help you and educate you on how to deal with depression. Here are some ways you can help a person suffering from depression.Foster compassionate relationships. Love and support from the patients social circle is important in curing depression. Seclusion is one of the most noticeable signs of depression, when seclusion takes place the link and interaction with the social network ends. Steady contact and activities are imperative in helping a person recuperate from depression. It helps deflect the persons attention and thoughts away from constructiveness.

We know that depression can be a serious illness for some unfortunate people, who seem to go through life suffering from it no matter what. For those of us who have just ended a relationship though, this kind of depression will not last and it's important that we realize this.Dealing with depression after a breakup can be more difficult if you do not occupy yourself and find out that you have too much time on your hands. When we are not occupied in this way we tend to reflect too much and this can lead to us wallowing in self-despair. There is nothing wrong in trying to remember the good times, but at times like these it just helps to aggravate our feelings of insecurity, loneliness and sadness.

Throw away Pessimism. The pessimism destroys all hopes left in a person and results to heavier depression. Instead of brooding in negativity, indulge yourself with positive energy. Surround yourself with people who will bring positive aura in your life. Think of beautiful thoughts by thinking only of positive things. Become more productive and not destructive. When you are depressed you also affect other people negatively.Depression is not impossible to cure. The first step in how to deal with depression must always start with acceptance. Accept that you cannot do things by yourself and that there are things beyond your means. Do not lose hope, it is always the last thread that keeps man from succumbing to depression.

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