> Against Hair Loss: How To Change Your Life By Reinventing Yourself, And Not

How To Change Your Life By Reinventing Yourself, And Not

By Bessie K. Dowling

The 21st century has brought on a whole new set of challenges for many of us, bringing the infamous how to change your life topic to new and unexpected heights. To steal a line from one of my faves, Lewis Black; "Even a good fiction writer couldn't have come up with this."

The question is now: So, do I have to reinvent myself after all this time? The answer, yes...and no. With the job market bordering on chaos, and the collapse of both the industrial age as well as a good part of the information age, the reinvention of potentially our entire persona does become a consideration for some. At first glance, that statement can look completely overwhelming. But here's the trick.

Change won't happen overnight, but it will happen for you if you are willing to take three simple steps. Regardless of your faith, or what you believe, this plan will work for you. You only need to commit to 30 minutes each day to see lasting success. Try this plan every day for 21 days. Almost any habit can be developed, or broken, in only 21 days. If you really want to get the most from it, then commit to an hour a day. Although this may seem hard at first, once you start to reap the results, you won't want to do anything else. It will become a part of your daily routine.

So what's happening here? We're reinventing or reshaping who we are through this process, but actually, we're not. This potential reshape consists of reconfiguring elements of who we already are, not some fictitious character we're trying to create that has nothing to do with us. Personal testament becomes a must to clarify this point.

Read motivational material. The easiest way to change the way you think is to read something else. If you spend all your time reading about politics, news, or anything like that, you're bound to be more negative. Something as simple as watching the news before you go to bed can give you a negative attitude. The reason is that your subconscious mind is most accessible right before you go to bed, and right when you get up in the morning. That's why, when you're trying to change, use one of these two times to do it.

I followed those 3 steps. What I began to see that I totally owned when I storyboarded my strengths was my creative talent as well as my strength as a speaker per se after 30 years of teaching. I looked at that relationship in a bit of a new way and realized I could redirect both of those talents. I then proceeded to quote unquote reinvent myself and became a creative consultant to individuals, and eventually groups. Are we clear? I did reinvent myself, and not. I already owned those talents.

How to change your life can be seen in different light, you just have to put the time in and discover it, and then get CREATIVE with those discoveries. Realize those inherent gifts you already own and make them work for you in alternative life settings... or, a new career. I can't begin to tell you how many of those we've labeled geniuses have used that creative storyboard scenario to accomplish their goals. Reinvent... and not!

it takes real guts to get out there and do something different. But isn't it strange, when you do, do something diverse, the mickey takers only really give it a small space of time with laughter and mocking, then they're onto something or someone else; because they can't really afford the time to stand around pointing the finger and belly laughing someone,when deep down they truly admire them.So what are we worried about. Well we certainly don't want to jeopardize any of our hard earned possessions, and most of us are not seeking that extreme lifestyle change; which makes me think of the man who was looking for something different and swapped his mobile home for a canal boat. That was until just a day on the water when he was looking to exchange his new canal boat for dry land again.

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